Live Your Life

Sometimes, people tend to miss the point of life. People tend to overlook the important things because they are so caught up in the little things. People tend to miss out on the big things that actually mean something because they are too worried about what Obama said today, or what the news said about some issue.

We go through life feeling invincible, and unlike Zach, we regret what we have done, we wish we would have done something more, instead of taking advantage of the time we have left and making a difference, we worry about ourselves. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched this amazing kid’s story, because I wish I lived like that. Making it about the people around me and the time I had left with them.

We find our purpose in God, in His love and in His compassion. God brings hope and life to each of us, we just have to take advantage of it and stop living with regrets. Begin to push towards making a difference and living every moment like it is your last.

Some Days… And Others


Some days I feel like I have a million words to write, and others I feel like i can’t get my fingers to even go near the keys on my computer. But whether I have something to say or not, I write. But spiritually, this is same place where I, and almost all others struggle. Some days we are ready to split the Red Sea and build an ark, but other days, we feel like we can’t even get out of bed. We go through wave of spiritual waves. We hit the highest of highs and sometimes go directly to the lowest of lows.

So many times we try and spiritually jump straight from being a wheel to a car. Let me explain. We try and do so much at once and so quickly, and instead of doing things in God’s timing, we try and do it in ours. We don’t like to take those baby steps. We don’t like to do it piece by piece and make sure it is right, we just throw it together and hope it is.

Instead of spiritually building our lives from the ground up, we try and start from the top down, and hope everything falls into place, then we get disappointing in God when things don’t. But truly it had nothing to do with God and it had everything to do with the way we approached our our foundation. If you do not have a foundation, how can you stay standing? (one man built his house in the sand, the other on the rock)

If we try and start from the top, it makes it so much harder on us when temptations come along. They can sweep out our feet because we did not build our foundation first, we just expected it to magically appear.

Habits get built from disciplines. Disciplines shape your life. Become disciplined in the little things so your foundation can be stronger. Search for God everywhere and not just once or twice a week at church. Many times, your foundation is not built in church. Church is usually the starting point and then the help along the way, but your everyday life, what you do, how you go throughout your day, the things you say, the things you pray, what you read, your everyday experiences, those are the things that build your foundation.

A tree doesn’t start from the top leave and work down to a seed, it starts from the seed and goes up.

God Works


God Works

So the Jewish leaders began harassing Jesus for breaking the Sabbath rules. But Jesus replied,“My Father is always working, and so am I.” So the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him. For he not only broke the Sabbath, he called God his Father, thereby making himself equal with God. (John 5:16-18)

Read: 1Samuel 1:1-2:21, John 5:1-23, Psalm 105:37-45, Proverbs 14:28-29

Relate: Out of the mouths of children… I was asked once, “Why do we have church on Sunday instead of Saturday?” I started to answer when I was interrupted, “No. God rests on the seventh day and He doesn’t like it when we all sing at Him while He is trying to sleep.” Even as I struggled not to laugh I started explaining how God never sleeps. The response I got, “I know, duh. It was a joke.”

React: I can smile…

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Perspectives of Life


It is amazing to see how God brings about new relationships. I woke up this morning exhausted, and all I wanted was to go back to sleep. As I drove to Frisco from Denton, 380 became a zoo of cars. I began to pray as I normally do on my drive in, and God had already begin to do His work in me this morning. In my wariness and exhaustion, God was leading me to where He wanted me.

For me, it becomes about perspective. It becomes about me not looking at it from my point of view, but God’s point of view. It is easy for us to get caught up in everything we see, because we don’t have the big picture, we just have ours. When we begin to look at things the way God sees things, the way He wants us to see them, those things stop being about us and become more and more about Him.

So I continued along my normal routine of Starbucks, sat in my normal chair, and began to write. I overheard the two gentlemen at the table next to me talking about church and men’s ministry. I asked them what church they attended and we began to speak and get into some good conversation. They ended up being on staff at their perspective churches as well, and we spoke about how their churches would possibly like to get involved with the conference I am planning.

With all that being said, I believe God works in me and through me when I am most tired and wary. When I am tired and feel drained, and all I can rely on is Him, those are some of the times I hear Him loudest and He uses me the most. The second thing I realized, is that relationships can be formed anywhere, you just have to be willing to step out and meet people. God put me in a situation to ask them the first question. They did not know what I did or who I am, they would have never known, but in my nervousness I muttered out “Hey, where do you guys go to church?” And that was the match to start the fire.

How are you looking at things in your life? What perspective do you have?

Side Note:

There will be a weekly post every Tuesday, so be sure to check and make sure you are looking out for new posts then. There will be other posts on other days randomly, but every Tuesday there will be a new post. Getting some consistency going.

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