How can we not?


How can we not see what God is doing?

How can we not feel God’s love?

How can we not encounter the grace of God every morning?

How can we not rejoice when we see God’s beauty around us?

How can we not realize that we are apart of something so much bigger than ourselves?

How can we not be so consumed by the Spirit of God that we only focus on Him?

How can we not worship God with everything we are when He has made us everything we are?

How can we not want a relationship with the greatest artist of all time?

How can we not be amazed that the God of all creation took the time to form us, to create us, to love us, sent His son to die for us?

How can we not realize how unworthy we are of all of that?

There are some who have never encountered the love that God freely gives. We need to realize that God is longing, He is yearning to just be with us. Christ died for us to have a direct relationship with God. So how can we not pursue that same relationship?

We consume ourselves with everything around us when we should be consumed by the Spirit of God inside of us.

Let God consume you with His never ending, never failing, never leaving love.

How can we not be so consumed with the love of God that the people around us can’t help but believe in Him?

Stop Trying to Save the Church…


“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it..” – Matthew 16:18

We are so focused on doing everything to save our individual churches. We are so focused on the church falling apart around us. We are so focused on people going to church. We are so focused on making the church look good.

The church doesn’t need it. You need to BE the church.

God’s plan for His church is much greater than ours. He will do with His church exactly what needs to be done. His power is beyond our wildest dreams.

“The problem with the American Church is simple…too many ‘converts’ and not enough disciples! #takeupyourcross” – Tommy McMahan

It is easy for us to sit back and say things like “Oh, the church is falling apart.” or “What can I do?”.

It is hard for us to get out of our comfortable bubbles, and be the church. Especially without saying anything, and just being the example.

Why do you think people turn away from church? What are your thoughts?

To Touch, And Be Touched


ImageWe don’t like to get to close to people. We like our little bubble and get upset when people creep their way into OUR bubble.

Guess what, that’s when we lose our connection with people. We make it about us, instead of making it about them.

We forget how important it is for people to feel our presence, and especially to feel God’s presence. There are people in this world who have never been touched by that presence. There are people who society has deemed as untouchable.

When Jesus healed the leper in Matthew 8, JESUS TOUCHED HIM. He made an effort to touch the man who had not been touched by the world. He made an effort to connect with the man who no one would even go near. He made an effort to break down His personal bubble and reach out for the one in need. He knew what the man was looking for.

So where do we fit in with that? There isn’t anybody walking down the street with leprosy, but there are people everywhere who are hurting, and sick, and beaten down, and who the world has thrown away, who are longing to be touched by God, who are longing to be touched by His spirit, who are longing for acceptance from another person. That is where we fit in.

I challenge you, as you go through your week, touch someone’s life who is hurting, who doesn’t have it all together, who doesn’t feel like they are important or needed.

I Breathe You In, God


We tend to miss how much God surrounds our lives. We tend to overlook the fact that He is all around us, all the time. We tend to overlook how close He is to us. We tend to forget that we don’t have to climb the highest mountains to get to God. We tend to forget that God has met us in our lowest of lows.

Sometimes we have to just breathe in His presence. In the version of “How He Loves Us” by Kim Walker-Smith she talks about how thick and tangible the presence of God is. When we are so consumed by His presence, we can just breathe Him in.

Today I challange you to let God meet you where you are and let Him surround you with His presence, and just breathe Him in.