

In a lot of what I write, I don’t want you to think I am writing to cast my judgement on things I’ve noticed. I hope you know that is not my intention what so ever. My intention is to get you to think about the way you live your life, the way you walk this earth, and and way you interact with the people around you. My intention is to get you to think about the way God is using you and working in your life.

Ok now the good stuff…

Why have we been overthinking the way we live our lives? We forget that God’s love for us in unstoppable. We forget that God is pursuing us. We forget how big our God is.

So why have WE made things so complicated? We put our human ways into a God centered action. We have put rules and regulations on a thing that God gave us with no restraints, love. We have thrown our selfishness into love. We have put limitations on our love for one another. We love the people that can love us back, and we only love the people that can benefit us.

Our view of love has been so distorted by society. We love the things that are easy to love, the beautiful things, the good things. Why do we not love the things that are hard to love, the not so pretty, the not so good?  We have let hatred creep in and harden our hearts for those around us. We sit back and complain about the world and the problems in it.

When God started loving us from the beginning, we were not pretty, and we were not good. Imagine the world if people started loving one another the way God loves us. Love gives people hope. We have the ability to bring the hope and love of God to this earth on a daily basis.

God would still be God, with or without us. He doesn’t need us, He WANTS us. How awesome is that? The God of all creation wants to love us.

In the words of my dad, “When is the last time you did something for someone who could give you nothing in return?” 

Stop Trying to Save the Church…


“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it..” – Matthew 16:18

We are so focused on doing everything to save our individual churches. We are so focused on the church falling apart around us. We are so focused on people going to church. We are so focused on making the church look good.

The church doesn’t need it. You need to BE the church.

God’s plan for His church is much greater than ours. He will do with His church exactly what needs to be done. His power is beyond our wildest dreams.

“The problem with the American Church is simple…too many ‘converts’ and not enough disciples! #takeupyourcross” – Tommy McMahan

It is easy for us to sit back and say things like “Oh, the church is falling apart.” or “What can I do?”.

It is hard for us to get out of our comfortable bubbles, and be the church. Especially without saying anything, and just being the example.

Why do you think people turn away from church? What are your thoughts?


In the aftermath of this life, we turn to God. When things go wrong or something terrible happens, we turn to God. When we have no where else to go and have lost everything, we turn to God. But why do we not do this all the time? It is almost like we forget that God is there until we need Him.

One of the biggest issues of today’s world is the sense of being able to do everything on our own. We don’t like to ask for help and our pride gets in the way. We act like we can do it alone and we look good on the outside, but in the quiet we are all wrecked and beat up in some way. We are all caught up in our own aftermath.

We forget daily that we are in a constant struggle to live the way God intended. We walk through our lives and forget that God has put us here to help others through their aftermath. But to do that, we must first take care of our own.



The Normal Exception

I follow a blog by a worship leader named Carlos Whittaker. It’s some good stuff, so if you haven’t heard of him, now you have. But the reason I love reading what he writes, is because it’s real.

I’ve said it before, but people are searching for real in a world that is full of fake. I’m sure I’m not the first to say that, and I don’t think I’ll be the last. Anyway, Carlos recently had a post titled ” Judging Sin, Pissing Of Baby Mamas, And A Bad Case Of PlankEye”. He set the hook on one particular person in particular, to judge, and then that person went further than needed. But that’s people, right?

So as I finished up reading this post, I started thinking. And it’s not exactly where he took his post, but that’s where it started.

So here is my thought…

Why has this world gotten to the point to where good, honest, true Christians are so hard to find, and have become the “exception”. Why is it that “normal” has become families falling apart, people not helping each other, selfishness over running our nation?

I wish it was normal to be the exception, and the exception normal.

We have to become uncomfortable with ourselves and become comfortable with others.

The Normal Exception

I follow a blog by a worship leader named Carlos Whittaker. It’s some good stuff, so if you haven’t heard of him, now you have. But the reason I love reading what he writes, is because it’s real.

I’ve said it before, but people are searching for real in a world that is full of fake. I’m sure I’m not the first to say that, and I don’t think I’ll be the last. Anyway, Carlos recently had a post titled ” Judging Sin, Pissing Of Baby Mamas, And A Bad Case Of PlankEye”. He set the hook on one particular person in particular, to judge, and then that person went further than needed. But that’s people, right?

So as I finished up reading this post, I started thinking. And it’s not exactly where he took his post, but that’s where it started.

So here is my thought…

Why has this world gotten to the point to where good, honest, true Christians are so hard to find, and have become the “exception”. Why is it that “normal” has become families falling apart, people not helping each other, selfishness ruling over people?

It shouldn’t be crazy to help someone out, or to talk to people about God, or to not be selfish and serve others, or to stand out.

I wish it was normal to be the exception, and the exception normal.

We have to become uncomfortable with ourselves and become comfortable with people.

You Do You

It is crazy to me how much we, as humans, have lost touch with one another. Not in the fact that we can’t figure out what is going on in the world around us, but that we choose not to.

What most people forget is that they aren’t pefect, and that sin is sin. Especially as Christians, we tend to point out the faults in this world without recognizing our own (plank in your eye, spec in your brothers).

Guess what, you will not be judged when you get to Heaven according to how other people acted, that simple.

I do it all the time, I compare my “level” of sin to someone else’s sin, and that isn’t how it works.

This world would be a much better place if everyone, instead of trying to fix everyone around them, just fixed themselves.

When you see that someone needs to work out physically, you don’t run for them to lose weight, you don’t lift weights for them to get stong, you don’t do crunches for them to get abs, they  have to do it themsleves.

It is the same way spiritually. We must make oursleves spiritually fit with God being our personal trainer. Sounds cheesy, but thats how it is. Except it is free, not $50+ an hour.

Let God work on others, you just work on you.