Come Like the Wind

What is the reason we hold back? What is the reason we don’t give absolutely everything to God and let Him take us higher than we coukd ever imagine? What is keeping us stuck from changing the world? Why do we have such a hard time trusting God fully? Is it just human nature?

I know probably all of you have heard this, but its like the wind. We can feel the wind, we can hear the wind, we can see the effects of wind, and we 100% believe in the wind, but when God does the exact same thing and then so much more, we question if it was realky God, or if He is even real.

I don’t believe God put us here to just be, I believe we are here to go and do. To be the hands and feet of the Lord.

God I am alive to live for You.

We waiste our time worrying about things like Paula Dean saying the N word however many years ago, and what new law is passing in Congress, instead of worrying about where God wants us to go. We believe and trust in things of this world because we immerse ourselves in the things of this world. When we immerse ourselves in God, we can do nothing but bekieve and trust and have faith in Him. Now we are still humans, and we will have our doubts, but He will remind us.

My prayer is that we push ourselves to be apart of God’s amzing story, instead of trying to fit God into ours.