I Breathe You In, God


We tend to miss how much God surrounds our lives. We tend to overlook the fact that He is all around us, all the time. We tend to overlook how close He is to us. We tend to forget that we don’t have to climb the highest mountains to get to God. We tend to forget that God has met us in our lowest of lows.

Sometimes we have to just breathe in His presence. In the version of “How He Loves Us” by Kim Walker-Smith she talks about how thick and tangible the presence of God is. When we are so consumed by His presence, we can just breathe Him in.

Today I challange you to let God meet you where you are and let Him surround you with His presence, and just breathe Him in.


The Connection


I don’t believe people fully understand the immensity of our God. I also don’t think people fully understand how personal our God can be. It seems to be two extremes, when really they are one in the same.

That is what is amazing about our God. He is the God of the universe, yet He wants for us to draw near to Him. He loves to hear us all as one, but He also wants that personl time in the still and quiet place. I think that is one of the greatest things He has given us, the time with Him. We take advantage of telling our problems and our issues and our victories and our joys and anything and everything with people all around us. The thing with that is they can only give us so much back. They can only give us so much in return. But if we go and spend just a little time with God, He can give us everything. When we give ourselves to God, we get an abundent amount of return.

For me one of the most rewarding and exciting things in this life is being able to show the love of God to others without any strings attatched. (This will all connect, just give it a minute) People love the big suprises, and they love the big shows, but the most important things are the little things, because that is where the connections are made. When you break down the walls and climb the fences and you get to the basics, people can see the connections you have with them, instead of them have to build up more things on top of each other to try and reach where you are.

(If you haven’t noticed the connection, here you go) This is what God wants to happen with us. He loves amazing us by the beauties of this world, by this life, but He also loves the personal connection with us. He likes to meet us where we are and draw near to us.

We have to “make God attractive again.” Instead of dressing people up and covering up their problems so they look presentable, we have to be willing to meet them where they are, just like God has done with us.

Be willing to make God attractive, instead of trying to make them attractive to God.

The Real Love

What is God’s calling for us. Just to come to a building together and sing and raise our hands, listen to a person speak, meet some new people, and  leave? I don’t believe it is. We have to realize that our calling is so much more than that. Our calling from God is to serve and go and do. Church is not just about Sunday mornings, not just about a few worship songs and a message, it is about actually being the church.

We have to realize that we are called to movement and passion, not complacency. We have to live outside of the church the way we live in it. We have to show the faith and trust we have in God everywhere we go with everything we do, not just when we are inside of a Church building. It is easy to serve God and tell Him you love Him in church, but when the world begins to tear us down, it becomes a lot harder to keep our focus on Him. We have to be willing to give away oursleves for more of God.

We have to serve and get involved in others lives for them to see the love of God, because many times and in many situations, we are the only piece of God they will ever see or experience.

People are drawn to different. They are drawn to real. It is sad that this world is so full of fake, that people have to look closer for real, but guess what, GOD IS REAL. We have to show how real and relevent God is, how much He yearns to connect with us, how much He longs for our love. Whether you know it or not, God is wanting your love. That is why He created us, so we could freely love Him, and in return show His love to others.