When Necessary

We are quick to forget how much God truly loves us. We know he loves us, but we don’t always realize how much.

I am not a Catholic, but this statement is still just as true.

“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” – Francis of Assisi

I challenge you to dive into the book of Hosea and see what God speaks to you. It is some awesome stuff.

9.11 : The Day Things Changed


When you think about 9.11 what comes to mind first? All the lives that were lost? Where you were when you found out? How you felt? The things you saw on the news? How America reacted?

That day was a day like any other for me. I was still in elementary school, and I remember my dad coming to pick me up, and I remember we were listening to everything on the radio. The rest of the day I don’t recall, until that night when my mom, dad and I were watching everything on the news. I didn’t completely understand, but I remember very vividly sitting next to my dad as tears rolled down his face as footage was shown of people jumping out of the building.

Over the next few days, through the pain of the faces on TV, through the beginning of the clean up and the search and rescue of everyone who was in the building, there was a coming together. As Americans we bonded together and we became ONE NATION.

Where has that gone? Not the wreckage and the disaster, but our hope, our one nation.

We have become so divided of political agenda’s, over racial tensions, over gun control, over Starbucks or not, over PC or Mac, over sugar or Splenda, over everything.  What has happened to us? What has happened to our country?

We have become ill-informed, we have become more and more naive to the outside world, we have lost our pride, we have lost our heart.

But there is hope. Never forget 9.11

Perspectives of Life


It is amazing to see how God brings about new relationships. I woke up this morning exhausted, and all I wanted was to go back to sleep. As I drove to Frisco from Denton, 380 became a zoo of cars. I began to pray as I normally do on my drive in, and God had already begin to do His work in me this morning. In my wariness and exhaustion, God was leading me to where He wanted me.

For me, it becomes about perspective. It becomes about me not looking at it from my point of view, but God’s point of view. It is easy for us to get caught up in everything we see, because we don’t have the big picture, we just have ours. When we begin to look at things the way God sees things, the way He wants us to see them, those things stop being about us and become more and more about Him.

So I continued along my normal routine of Starbucks, sat in my normal chair, and began to write. I overheard the two gentlemen at the table next to me talking about church and men’s ministry. I asked them what church they attended and we began to speak and get into some good conversation. They ended up being on staff at their perspective churches as well, and we spoke about how their churches would possibly like to get involved with the conference I am planning.

With all that being said, I believe God works in me and through me when I am most tired and wary. When I am tired and feel drained, and all I can rely on is Him, those are some of the times I hear Him loudest and He uses me the most. The second thing I realized, is that relationships can be formed anywhere, you just have to be willing to step out and meet people. God put me in a situation to ask them the first question. They did not know what I did or who I am, they would have never known, but in my nervousness I muttered out “Hey, where do you guys go to church?” And that was the match to start the fire.

How are you looking at things in your life? What perspective do you have?

Side Note:

There will be a weekly post every Tuesday, so be sure to check and make sure you are looking out for new posts then. There will be other posts on other days randomly, but every Tuesday there will be a new post. Getting some consistency going.

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