Why Aren’t You Dreaming Big?


Proverbs 13:19 NLT – It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.

To answer the main question, I think you have to hit a few other points. First, what are dreams? Second, what are YOUR dreams compared to God’s dreams for your life? Third, what is stopping you from dreaming outside the box?

What is a dream to begin with?
Dictionary version: A strongly desired goal or purpose.
My version: The desire to do, go, and chase something that is outside of your current standing. To go beyond your current limitations to reach a place with no limitations. To desire more.

What are YOUR dreams compared to God’s?
You have to find where your heart is being called. You have to open your eyes to God’s plan for your life and the dreams He has set in front of you. I don’t know if you know, but God dreams bigger and a lot more creative than we ever will. Now you know.

What is stopping you from dreaming?
Is what you’ve done, where you’ve been, your relationships, your thoughts, your job, just your life that is holding you back? Find the thing(s) that you think are stopping you from dreaming. There are so many things we let get in the way of dreaming. The one I have heard a thousand times… life. We let “life” hold us back from dreaming, when we should be dreaming about what we can do with the life we were given.

Dream bigger than you have ever dreamed. Start letting God take those dreams and make them even bigger. Make you dreams avaliable to God’s creativity, passion, love, and power and watch what happens. Let God set your heart on fire, and let your love and desire consume those around you. Dream to make a difference.

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